Chrome for the Holidays
"Come in, Amelia," said Jordan Bellwater, her boss and the CEO of the massive conglomerate Juicero-Quibi. He was wearing jeans, a company T-shirt, and a sportcoat and was wielding some kind of samurai sword, which he was swinging about at an invisible enemy. "Please, don't worry a ...
The Cats of Amontillado
They say every man's got to have something to live for, a reason to get up in the morning. Mine is hating my boss Fortunato and planning to get revenge on him. Fortunato is the CEO and founder of the company I work for, a modest billion-dollar company called Organ Depot. You might have heard our ...
Ryan Jack
Jack Ryan returned home from a long day of patriotically saving the country to find his no good twin half-brother Ryan Jack waiting for him. He'd been staying with them for the last two weeks and Jack (Jack Ryan) felt it was well past time for him to leave. "Where's my wife?" asked ...
The Swordsman
He arrived after the harvest, a bedraggled, half-starved figure of a man. But something about the way he held himself told of a time when a fire burned in those now hollow eyes. He took off his hat. "Ma'am," he said, without looking Maisie in the eye, "I'd be grateful for any ...
The Burrito Murders
"Have you ever seen a man kill himself with a burrito?" asked Detective Cop, with a wry sideways glance. Einstein Quirk knew Cop was trying to tantalize him, and he had made a habit of not being tantalized, especially by the official police force. "Maybe," he responded carelessly ...
Abandoned Space Station Horror Story
"The word is LODESTAR." Even imagining the word, scrawled on that little scrap of paper, made his head begin to pulse with pain. He'd found the paper in Spencer's desk, a curiously analog anomaly in a station full of technological interfaces. When his eye first fell on the word it ...
The Most Unpublishable G-Rated Story Ever, Part 1
Larry was on his way to class one day, thinking about how boring and ordinary his life was, when a rustling in the bushes caught his attention. A crazy scientist in goggles with 4 mechanical arms strapped to his back leaped out of the greenery, trees and shrubs splintering in all directions as he bu ...