Computer Terms That Sound Inappropriate
This is a simple running list of computer terms that sound inappropriate. (last updated Sep 24 2021) In no particular order: dongle penetration testing hot loading packet sniffing dirty bit core dump long polling RAM stick VD (virtual desktop) hot desking pull request Big O bare metal ...
tags: computers, jokes
What Is This Website Made Of
This blog website is a Frankenstein, some would say "Frankenstein's monster", if they wanted to be pedantic and rude, of different tools and technologies. Just in case anyone was curious about which, I'll list them and keep it updated as it changes. I use a lot of Firebase products ...
tags: computers
Everything I Know About JavaScript Promises
I had to give a little talk about ES6 promises a while back and was forced to organize my thoughts and learn a few things so I thought I might as well share the wealth. This is a progressive introduction to promises starting from the previous status quo (callbacks), then talking about basic usage, ...
tags: computers
Procedurally Ruin Other People's Code Using The Magic of ASTs
I recently made an unexpectedly popular tweet based on the incredibly deep insight of "what if you removed a letter from a popular library?" Specifically, what if instead of prettier it was pettier? Hahaha! Instead of cleaning up your code, it would belittle it, you see. has anyone made ...
tags: computers
An Unhelpful Layman’s Guide To Computers Part 2: Servers
Last time I talked about monads — not actually defining them or providing any useful background, but they were discussed. Today we’ll talk about the goopy viscera of the internet: servers. Server, like “smurf,” means a lot of things. Sometimes a server is an actual computer. Sometimes it is a virtua ...
tags: computers, jokes
An Unhelpful Layman’s Guide To Computers Part 1: Monads
This is a simple, friendly guide for people who don’t know anything about computer science, or people who know computers but want to learn less. If you don’t know a kilobyte from a mitochondria, don’t worry! Just 3 years ago I didn’t know anything about computer science. Fast forward to today, I sti ...
tags: computers, jokes
Starting A Software Career When 8 Months Pregnant
Two years ago I switched careers from animation to programming. I talked about my first week's of bootcamp experience in my first post on this blog but never really put the whole story anywhere. It was a pretty non-traditional trajectory, which is all the rage these days, so I thought I might ...
tags: computers
Power Sets: Not That Scary
The power set problem is one of those algorithms that turns out to be a bit trickier than they appear on the surface. Like the five stages of grief, there are 3 common stages for being assigned a power set problem. "This looks pretty simple, it'll probably take about 10 minutes." &q ...
tags: computers
Breadth-First Tree Traversal
As part of our data structures sprint, we implemented a bunch of data structures, most of which had a good amount of resources out there adequately explaining how they worked. One thing I had a bit of trouble finding good explanations for was a breadth-first tree traversal using a queue as a helper, ...
tags: computers
Week 1, Day 3 : First Impressions
So it's week 1 of the Hack Reactor course proper. My class is the 5th Remote Beta class (all instruction conducted online), or HRR5. I guess now's the time to share some first impressions. They get you off to a pretty good start with 3 weeks worth of precourse work, which is good for both ...
tags: computers